ARC East Africa Weekly Chronology
9-15 May 2024

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Africa Risk Consulting monitors events around the region and provides users of the EAA website with this weekly summary.


Weekly Update on events in East Africa

Africa Risk Consulting – Your first choice for Africa due diligence, country assessments, strategic advice and compliance consulting.

14 May 2024 Kinshasa (DRC) Reuters. Government lifts the suspension order on the COMMUS copper and cobalt mine, majority-owned by China’s Zijin Mining Group, after a month’s suspension over high radiation levels;

14 May 2024 Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Borkena. China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) and China Railway Engineering Corporation officially hand over management of the standard-gauge Ethiopia-Djibouti railway to the Ethiopian and Djiboutian governments;

14 May 2024 Kigali (Rwanda) AFP. High court rejects an appeal by opposition figure Bernard Ntaganda to set aside the previous convictions that prevent him from running in the July elections;

14 May 2024 Kampala (Uganda) The East African. Energy and mineral development ministry says it is in talks with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to develop nuclear energy in the country;

13 May 2024 Bujumbura (Burundi) Africanews. Government begins the voluntary relocation of approximately 2,000 families displaced by flooding;

13 May 2024 Nairobi (Kenya) Nation. Opposition Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition threatens protests over the proposed changes to the Finance Bill 2024 that would increase the price of basic commodities such as bread;

13 May 2024 Nairobi (Kenya) eNCA. Government confirms that more than 90% of schools have reopened after a two-week delay due to flooding;

13 May 2024 Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) United States Embassy. The United States embassy in Tanzania has announced that it is closing for two days and will not be accessible to the public due to the degraded network service in the country caused by faults in the under-sea cable that connects East Africa;

13 May 2024 Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) The Citizen. Internet outage in Tanzania has significantly affected sectors such as banking, media and healthcare, hampering service delivery in some hospitals, with patients experiencing delays in receiving critical medical results;

12 May 2024 Djibouti (Djibouti) African Media Agency. The inaugural Djibouti Forum begins, taking place until 14 May;

12 May 2024 Kigali (Rwanda) News24. Rwanda dismisses Burundi’s allegation that it is behind the grenade attack on 10 May, adding that it has nothing to do with the RED-Tabara rebel group;

12 May 2024 Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) BBC. Faults in the under-sea cable that connects East Africa cause interruptions in Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Uganda;

11 May 2024 Bujumbura (Burundi) Barrons. Burundi accuses Rwanda of training and arming the RED-Tabara rebel group which took responsibility for the twin grenade attacks on 10 May that injured 38 people;

10 May 2024 Djibouti (Djibouti) BNA. President Ismail Omar Guelleh hosts Bahrain’s foreign affairs minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani to discuss the upcoming 33rd Arab Summit;

8 May 2024 Kinshasa (DRC) Reuters. International Monetary Fund (IMF) reaches a staff-level agreement with the DRC on the final review of its $1.5 billion programme, recommending the disbursement of the final tranche of $200m;

8 May 2024 Nairobi (Kenya) The East African. Government and Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists Dentists Union (KMPDU) sign an agreement, ending a 56-day nationwide strike;


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ARC East Africa Weekly Chronology 9 – 15 May 2024