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An overview of the NHIF / SHIF and AHA conundrum – Presentation to the Eastern Africa Association

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Eastern Africa Business Association June 2024 – Overview of Tax – Finance Bill, 2024

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KAM EAA Presentation-24-04-2024

KAM IMF Presentation on 8th April 2024 by Anthony Mwangi CEO

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Rwanda at a Glance by I & M Bank, Rwanda

The government plans to introduce several tax policy measures envisioned in the Rwanda Medium Term Revenue Strategy (MTRS) aiming at improving revenue administration and cutting tax rates while broadening the tax base.

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Introducing eTiMS: How to ensure successful eTIMs integration for your business by eBiashara

In 2023, KRA introduced Etims, a cloud-based software, an upgrade of TIMS that makes it easy for VAT- registered businesses to connect their accounting system to KRA without the need to use ETR TIMS devices

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•Pursuant to the ruling of the Court of Appeal delivered on 19 January 2024, the Social Health Insurance Act, 2023 became operational effectively replacing the NHIF Act. •The draft Social Health Insurance (General) Regulations, 2023 set the monthly deductions at 2.75% of an individual’s gross salary or wage of the household. The contribution is not capped.

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Uganda hosted the 19th Summit of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Heads of State and Government, a forum of 120 member states from 15 to 20 January 2024, at the Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort. Then from 21 to 23 January, at the same venue, Uganda hosted the Third South Summit organized under the framework of Group 77 and China, a loose alliance of developing countries.

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Amplifying Africa’s talent powerhouse and growth potential and Kenya’s advancement in innovator services and role as a leading regional hub through the TRIFIC Special Economic Zone

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Overview of The Kenya Finance Act 2023

INTRODUCTION The Finance Act (“the Act”), 2023 received Presidential assent on 26th June 2023. Most of the changes will be effective from 1st July 2023, which is the Government’s fiscal year, while a few will be effective from 1st September 2023 and 1st January 2024. Most of the proposed changes in the Finance Bill, 2023

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Commentary: Democratic Republic of Congo Jan 2022

On 23rd November 2021, the Ministers responsible for East African Community (EAC) Affairs recommended to Member State Leaders the entry of the DRC into the economic block. Our commentary sets out some background on this vast country and what opportunities lie in store for investors.

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Kenya update January 2022

As the general election nears, there is concern of disruptions and the impact that this could have on the economy.

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Uganda Update Sept 2021

Covid-19 cases were declining but have risen again in August. The vaccine roll-out is progressing. There are no major changes in the political scene.

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Ethiopia Update September 2021

The Tigray conflict appears to be escalating and spreading to other parts of the country, threatening a deteriorating security situation more broadly in the country.

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Uganda Update October 2021

There appears to be an increasing push towards new leadership with opposition parties joining forces.

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Commentary: Reflections on Tanzania November 2021

After a period in the investment outhouse, risks are definitely becoming more manageable again. The business environment may still be relatively speaking opaque, but it’s certainly worth getting in early.

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Commentary: Business opportunities and risks in East Africa June 2021

EAA CEO Toby Latta talks to Tara O’Connor of Africa Risk Consulting about opportunities and risks in the region

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Uganda Update June 2021

On the political front there are growing concerns that the opposition is being supressed with heavy handed tactics and the world is taking note of this. Economically, a good start to 2021 is being impeded by a surge in Covid-19 cases.

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Commentary: Opportunities and Risks in the region, Members’ Survey July 2021

The EAA analyses the results of its Members survey on the opportunities and risks in the region

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Tanzania Update July 2021

Politically, there is a fly in the ointment with the recent arrest of opposition leaders. The country is finally monitoring Covid-19 which is important in bringing it back into the global fold. With regard to the economy, the President is certainly looking to keep her inauguration promises.

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Kenya update April 2021

Political uncertainty predicted for the next 18 months until the elections, while the economy shows signs of recovering from the pandemic decline

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Eastern Africa Members’ Survey on Business Climate, risks & opportunities

Toby Latta, CEO, Eastern Africa Association, shared members’ views that were received from a survey on the business climate, risks and opportunities in the region at the July global meeting of members’ (28th July 2021). EAA Members Survey opportunities and risks (1)

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