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Rwanda Update. July 2024

Rwanda’s general election, deemed by observers to be free, fair and credible, resulted in another landslide for President Paul Kagame.  He will be in office for the next five years.  The economy continues to grow at a fast pace making Rwanda’s economy one of the fastest growing in the world.

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Rwanda Update. June 2024

The General Election will be held in July and the number of candidates standing for the various positions is quite high.  The economy is growing and edging back towards double-digit growth.

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Rwanda Update. April 2024

A general election will be held in July 2024 and preparation including voter education and agent training is underway.  The economy continues to grow at a pace significantly higher than the average for Sub-Saharan Africa, although there are downside risks that could destabilise this.

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Rwanda Update. March 2024

A General Election will be held on 15th July 2024 but there is unlikely to be a change in leadership.  The economy is growing well and is projected to continue to do so,

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Rwanda Update. January 2024

2024 will see elections being held in Rwanda but there is unlikely to be any change on the political front.  The country is showing impressive economic growth and inflation has reduced to the target range.

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Rwanda Update. December 2023

Rwanda continues to be politically stable with an economy that is outperforming many of its neighbours.  However, inflationary pressures continue, although, it does seem to be subsiding.

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Rwanda Update. October 2023

It is now apparent that President Paul Kagame will once again vie for the Presidency in 2024, which, at least, from the perspective of Rwandans, is welcome.  It will be important, should he be re-elected, for the President to set out a succession plan.  On the economic front, Rwanda continues to perform well and there appear to be several opportunities for investors.

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Rwanda Update. September 2023

Rwanda remains politically stable.  Its economy is growing at a faster pace than others in the region and indeed Sub-Saharan Africa.  It continues to face inflationary pressures but these are believed to be on a downward trend.

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Rwanda Update. July 2023

No changes on the political front although an election is due in 2024.  Economically, Rwanda continues to perform well, but does seem to be facing some headwinds at the moment.

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Rwanda Update. June 2023

Politically Rwanda remains stable, and its economy is growing.  However, inflationary pressures are creating a cost-of-living issue which the Government is handling but has a long way to go.

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Rwanda Update. Apr 2023

It appears that Presidential succession is now being discussed in a politically stable environment.  The Government is introducing tax reforms to ease the burden of taxation.  Inflation continues to be high but the economy is performing with good growth.

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Rwanda Update. Mar 2023

No changes on the political front.  The economy is performing well but inflationary pressures are becoming an issue that have resulted in increased interest rates.

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Rwanda Update. Jan 2023

Politically the country remains stable with elections set to be held in 2024.  Tensions with the DRC are increasing which could impact regional stability.  The economy, particularly the service sector, is growing well but inflationary pressures are an issue.

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Rwanda Update. Dec 2022

Rwanda continues to be politically stable, and its economy remains resilient.  However, inflationary pressures are taking a toll on poverty in the country.

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Kenya update January 2022

As the general election nears, there is concern of disruptions and the impact that this could have on the economy.

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Uganda update January 2022

Uganda remains in the same place politically with no viable opposition. The economy is slowly recovering and the reopening in January 2022 should help this.

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Rwanda update January 2022

The country is showing a rebound after the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. The virus is under control and a large part of the population has been vaccinated.

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Tanzania Update Sept 2021

Democracy remains under threat with the arrest of opposition leaders. The President seems committed to economic progress for the country and there does appear to be a general sense of optimism in the population.

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Kenya Update October 2021

Covid-19 cases are declining and the vaccination programme is well underway. Politically there is some uncertainty around the 2022 election and the succession.

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Rwanda Update October 2021

Politically, Rwanda remains, stable but the country’s actions towards perceived “enemies” of the state is drawing global criticism.

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Commentary: Reflections on Tanzania November 2021

After a period in the investment outhouse, risks are definitely becoming more manageable again. The business environment may still be relatively speaking opaque, but it’s certainly worth getting in early.

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Tanzania Update November 2021

With the tourism sector set to finally make a come-back in 2022, major investment projects beginning to take off, exports increasing and foreign investors beginning to feel confident to invest in Tanzania again, there are positive signs for the economy.

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Rwanda Update November 2021

Politically Rwanda remains stable with a marked reduction in Covid infections and a high vaccine roll-out which is fuelling an impressive economic recovery.

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Commentary: Business opportunities and risks in East Africa June 2021

EAA CEO Toby Latta talks to Tara O’Connor of Africa Risk Consulting about opportunities and risks in the region

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Tanzania Update June 2021

Tanzania is beginning to show its economic potential again and investors once again are showing interest. Politically matters remain stable. The acknowledgment that Covid-19 presents a serious threat is a welcome development.

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Rwanda Update June 2021

Covid-19 is being brought under control but availability of vaccines could become an issue. The economy is expected to pick up in 2021 and politically the country remains largely stable.

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Ethiopia Update June 2021

Covid-19 infections have shown a significant downturn during May 2021. Elections are due to be held later this month which, if not peaceful, may set the country back. Ethiopia continues to open up to foreign investors.

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Commentary: Opportunities and Risks in the region, Members’ Survey July 2021

The EAA analyses the results of its Members survey on the opportunities and risks in the region

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Tanzania Update July 2021

Politically, there is a fly in the ointment with the recent arrest of opposition leaders. The country is finally monitoring Covid-19 which is important in bringing it back into the global fold. With regard to the economy, the President is certainly looking to keep her inauguration promises.

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Uganda Update July 2021

Covid-19 infections are showing a significant rise in June which resulted in the country’s second lockdown which is due to come to an end in July. The economy, while showing signs of recovery in the early part of the year, has slowed down again. Politically there has been little or no change since the election.

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Letter from the CEO, September 2021

Introduction to the September 2021 Newsletter

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Kenya update April 2021

Political uncertainty predicted for the next 18 months until the elections, while the economy shows signs of recovering from the pandemic decline

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Tanzania update April 2021

Tanzania’s new president indicates likely changes to the poltiical landscape are on the way

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Uganda Update April 2021

The economy is almost certain to continue in a weak and fragile state as long as Covid and the necessary restrictions to control it nationally and internationally remain in place. Politically no great change can be expected in the wake of Presidential elections

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Rwanda Update April 2021

Politically Rwanda remains largely stable and while Covid-19 cases surged in the early months of 2021, Government measures seem to have brought this under control. The economy was showing signs of recovery but the recent lock down may have reversed some of the gains.

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