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KAM EAA Presentation-24-04-2024

KAM IMF Presentation on 8th April 2024 by Anthony Mwangi CEO

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Commentary: Democratic Republic of Congo Jan 2022

On 23rd November 2021, the Ministers responsible for East African Community (EAC) Affairs recommended to Member State Leaders the entry of the DRC into the economic block. Our commentary sets out some background on this vast country and what opportunities lie in store for investors.

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Rwanda update January 2022

The country is showing a rebound after the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. The virus is under control and a large part of the population has been vaccinated.

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Tanzania Update Sept 2021

Democracy remains under threat with the arrest of opposition leaders. The President seems committed to economic progress for the country and there does appear to be a general sense of optimism in the population.

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Uganda Update Sept 2021

Covid-19 cases were declining but have risen again in August. The vaccine roll-out is progressing. There are no major changes in the political scene.

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Uganda Update October 2021

There appears to be an increasing push towards new leadership with opposition parties joining forces.

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Kenya Update November 2021

Political uncertainty could make the next twelve months difficult although the economy is showing signs of recovery.

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Uganda Update November 2021

Opposition parties are looking to a post President Museveni future which is not by any means a guarantee.

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Rwanda Update June 2021

Covid-19 is being brought under control but availability of vaccines could become an issue. The economy is expected to pick up in 2021 and politically the country remains largely stable.

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Ethiopia Update June 2021

Covid-19 infections have shown a significant downturn during May 2021. Elections are due to be held later this month which, if not peaceful, may set the country back. Ethiopia continues to open up to foreign investors.

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Tanzania update April 2021

Tanzania’s new president indicates likely changes to the poltiical landscape are on the way

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Rwanda Update April 2021

Politically Rwanda remains largely stable and while Covid-19 cases surged in the early months of 2021, Government measures seem to have brought this under control. The economy was showing signs of recovery but the recent lock down may have reversed some of the gains.

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