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Tanzania update January 2022

The outlook for investors and operators in Tanzania continues to improve with a raft of measures being taken to simplify the business environment and improve the economic and political climate in the country.

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Tanzania Update Sept 2021

Democracy remains under threat with the arrest of opposition leaders. The President seems committed to economic progress for the country and there does appear to be a general sense of optimism in the population.

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Rwanda Update Sept 2021

Covid-19 lockdowns are being eased and economic activity is showing signs of recovery. Politically the country remains stable.

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Tanzania Update October 2021

The outlook is largely dependent on the extent of changes to Covid-19 policies – the Socio-economic Response Plan – as well as the broader policy and reform agenda.

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Commentary: Reflections on Tanzania November 2021

After a period in the investment outhouse, risks are definitely becoming more manageable again. The business environment may still be relatively speaking opaque, but it’s certainly worth getting in early.

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Tanzania Update November 2021

With the tourism sector set to finally make a come-back in 2022, major investment projects beginning to take off, exports increasing and foreign investors beginning to feel confident to invest in Tanzania again, there are positive signs for the economy.

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Tanzania Update June 2021

Tanzania is beginning to show its economic potential again and investors once again are showing interest. Politically matters remain stable. The acknowledgment that Covid-19 presents a serious threat is a welcome development.

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Tanzania Update July 2021

Politically, there is a fly in the ointment with the recent arrest of opposition leaders. The country is finally monitoring Covid-19 which is important in bringing it back into the global fold. With regard to the economy, the President is certainly looking to keep her inauguration promises.

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Tanzania update March 2021

The Covid-19 situation, despite Government denial, is likely to have a major impact on Tanzania’s economy and its relationship with the rest of the world. Politics will probably revolve around the push for constitutional change.

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Tanzania update April 2021

Tanzania’s new president indicates likely changes to the poltiical landscape are on the way

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Tanzania update January 2021

Post elections, Tanzania appears to be stable and economy doing well, according to govt figures

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January 2020 Newsletter – Tanzania

TANZANIA POLITICS Tanzania was not represented at the recent UK Africa Investment Summit, although Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Ethiopia were all in attendance, together with their respective investment promotion agencies. The repressive political environment and deteriorating business climate were largely to blame as the country becomes an even less favoured destination for foreign investors. The

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Eastern Africa Members’ Survey on Business Climate, risks & opportunities

Toby Latta, CEO, Eastern Africa Association, shared members’ views that were received from a survey on the business climate, risks and opportunities in the region at the July global meeting of members’ (28th July 2021). EAA Members Survey opportunities and risks (1)

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